
Principal Investigator

Dr Cliódhna O’Connor

Dr Cliódhna O’Connor is Assistant Professor in the UCD School of Psychology and leads the Classification & Attribution Lab. Her research explores the social and psychological processes through which we classify individuals into social categories and attribute causal explanations for those groups’ characteristics. She is particularly interested in how scientific and clinical classifications influence self-concept and social identity, and has explored these links in a range of social contexts including gender stereotypes and psychiatric diagnosis. She holds degrees from Trinity College Dublin, the London School of Economics & Political Science and University College London.


Graduate students

Juwayriyah Nayyar

Juwayriyah Nayyar is a PhD candidate in the UCD School of Psychology. Juwayriyah’s research explores the experience of receiving a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder in adulthood. Juwayriyah’s research is funded by a UCD ADVANCE scholarship.


Leigh Huggard

Leigh Huggard is an MLitt/PhD student in the UCD School of Psychology. Leigh’s research explores the content of sociocultural attributions for mental illness, their distribution across the population, and their societal consequences.


Bhargav Dave

Bhargav Dave is studying for an MLitt degree in the UCD School of Psychology. Bhargav’s research investigates the psychological antecedents, correlates and consequences of framing depression in dimensional terms.


Research staff

Christina Seery

Christina Seery is a research assistant in the Classification & Attribution Lab. Christina is working with Dr Cliódhna O’Connor on a qualitative project exploring experiences of diagnostic shifts in adult mental healthcare.
